Tuesday, 10 November 2015

It's the first!

Helloooo! Today I decided to officially initiate my new blog. Pardon me, this blog is still empty. It has been quite long since I decided to restart a new blog as the previous blog is so last time already. It’s even embarrassing for me to re-read those stories again. But there were wonderful stories too! My high school friends were amazing but I think they’d probably be shy too if somebody out there who read about how funny (and naughty) they were back then. I was so young when I started writing on blog, a very young and quite immatured version of me (but that’s what made me for who I am now, don’t be scared of history, Nadzirah). 

On a side note, some stories are meant to be written, because it needed to be forgotten (If you read the very last post of my old blog. Memories guys hahaha I’m a better person now inshaaAllah). 
Me today ;)
Now that I’m a grown-up (oh really, is 20 a grown-up?), I’ve realized that some memories, both good and bad ones, should not be taken for granted. So many wondeful things have happened in my life mashaaAllah, and I really wanted to write them down like the moments with my beloved family, sister, university friends, high school friends, my interests, challenges I’ve faced, aaaah so many stories I’ve missed to write down guys! I might have forgotten the bad stories too, I feel bad, because you know, we have to remember the bad history in order for us to not repeat them again. But nevermind, start now!

So back to main topic. Today is a special and historical date of my life (too) as my blog will have a birthday which is 10.11.2015. There are a number of special reasons why I chose this date :

1.       10.11 - Just the opposite numbers of my birthday (11.10) heee.

2.       2015 - This year has been amazing for me. Probably the best year of my life (told ya, you all missed out many stories hahaha). But sokay cause I will post a special entry, about my 2015!

3.      10 – I have always waited for the 10th month every year, October. It’s not only my birthday but also the birthdays of many of my beloved friends too.

4.    I need to start this before turning 21. 20 is a nice number to start. Say in the next 10 years, you'll just have to say 'At the age of 20, I started all this...so 30-20, oh it's 10 years already!' I mean, it's easy for me to calculate how old this blog is later hehe. 

5.     They say, value the life you have now. So, I need to write those events down, for me to remember, keep it safely, at least here.

6.      I love writing. 

7.     Writing is the best medicine, at least for me.

8.     Sometimes it’s hard for me to express feelings verbally, so I better write them.

9.    Twitter also limit words to write long-long one, and Facebook is too public.

10.  I don’t have to write long caption on Instagram, no more. (Some people don’t read it, but I hope most of them do hehe)

p.s : All the words ‘Write’ I used are literally ‘Type’. You know, I don’t write it guys, I type it. Hee.

See ya on future posts! xx


  1. Looking forward to read your blogggggg. Ive started already but just like you , only one post and its last week hahahaha i think i might post a new entry tomorrow , laaavvv you

  2. Awhhhh . You go girl ! You are a steel , iron lady to be !!!! -mom
