Just came back from Holiday with family in Penang!! But let's just make a quick playback to the part that I've FINALLY done with finals! Arrrhh, crazy semester it was. Didn't realize how time flies so fast and all of sudden finals was just right in front of me! Where my time at all this while?? Too stressed until I had fever during the exam week (nightmare, right?). Still not fully recover until now :'( So please pray at least I passed all the papers!! Don't want to resit please! How miracle if I passed with all A+. Wondeeeerfullll. But, beyond everything, Alhamdulillah. I have never sit exams with fever actually so it was quite a good memory! I aced all the challenges!! (at least for me heheee)
Oh, by the way, my sister just graduated from LimKokWing University! It was a nice Graduation Ceremony, very happening! I'm soooooo happy for my sister. I knew she went through hard times to finally success with flying colours in her studies. I couldn't help but was overwhelmed by mixed feelings of sad, happy, touched = almost teared in happiness. Hahaha. Too sensitive.
Congratulations Sistah!!! You deserve all the happiness and love in the world. Stay success dunya & akhirah inshaaALLAH. Love ya!
Trip to Penang was wonderful either! It's been long since our family in a complete 6 to gather and giggle with stupid jokes, eat like monters, use the hotel swimming pool as if it was all ours andddd romantic dinner (for 6) haha. So so fun. What's fun to me was, having a brother with wonderful photography skills so we actually used each other to take photos of each other cause we really care for
Of Kerang Bakar and Pasembur (one of compulsory delicacies in Penang) ! Nom nom.
Checked in at Padang Kota Lama! Historical town in Penang. I loveee.
One of the (uncountable) photos I captured for the sake
of my brother's ig feed. Haha. He can be a good model anyway. And he
knows what he wants so he can just instruct me for the angle he needs
for his photo.
Nice colours, aren't they? Nature never fails to amaze me! Can't stop praising its beauty. Allah is Great indeed. It
was really good to have myself back to nature. Fresh air, Blue sky,
Green trees, Beautiful beach, allll with my family. I'm just so thankful
and blesssed for everything. Still can remember how bad the haze has
made us feel, making me can't stop thank Allah for all the fresh and
clean air He had given to us all this while, and even all for free. Can
imagine if we have to pay for a gram of Oxygen?
you Adik (my brother) for those amazing photos you have captured for me
and the nature soulmate! He is now my official wedding photographer
(for free guys LOL)
That's all for now! Not feeling very well, still. But here I'm promising a special post before 2016. Till I see you guys again soon!! By the way, all the best for finals to all my friends who's facing them soon! You guys can do it, success with DL, okay? Amin, inshaaALLAH. Ultimately, do study for the sake of learning, to be better from yesterday by the struggle of gaining new knowledge every second. InshaaALLAH you will all be rewarded both in the world and hereafter. Be patience always, indeed, Allah is with the patience(s). Love youuuu, xoxo <3
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