Hi Eisyaaaaa! I promise that this post is not going to make you cry (at least not anything related to sadness hehe). I have to admit that I'm not good at words AT ALL, but just know that this post is specially dedicated to you, my darling friend.
You are so dear to me. The one who makes me feel like I'm not single hahaha. Very often when people in a relationship, daily life is filled with lovely text messages asking how you are doing, what is your plan this weekend, etc. And also, even the one who will be one of the firsts to like/comment on your twitter or instagram post hehe. So, Eisya is one of them among my lovely dovey best girlfriends.
Ultimately, those don't have to be the reasons for me to love you as my very good friend and hence this post. Somehow this is something I have been longing to do to my very darling friend to let you know how significant little things you ever did to me has made my life so so so overwhelmed with love. Honestly, I'm not a good or caring friend, I don't call or text my bestfriends very often (I am actually very disappointed with myself for this, hence I have this one special resolution for 2016). That is why I deeply appreciate friends who always text me asking how I am doing, talking little silly things, tagging me on posts instagram/facebook/twitter, cos I know how those little things actually take a lot of effort. And nahhh, not that I do not appreciate those who don't text me often, cos I know they still remember me so much, right guysss? Hehehe. We just can't make time for each other, just like meeee, I don't know why I have always been too tired to actually start conversation through texts. But hey, I love and remember my friends in my du'a always. I am so sorry I can hardly find time for you guys and even for you Eisya sweetie, but just know how honoured I am to have friend like you.
You are also the first one to comment on my very first entry on this blog, and also probably one of my loyal readers, are you Eisya? Hahaha I know you are :P You comforted me during the bad times, the one who still responses to my texts although I usually reply so so late (awak dengan Aimanani sama je haha). Still remember my study week? I thought I had the worst study week ever cos I just moved to new house, which was totally an exhausting one, the worst situation for me to study, I felt so so so bad, but.... you were there, wishing me luck for my finals and studies, giving me one of the reasons to stay courageous.
So, this coming January is your turn to have your finals and you are now in study week, honey (actually, Eisya's Dad just passed away yesterday, Al-Fatihah). When I thought I had the toughest study week ever, Allah is indeed showing me the reality that someone is actually facing tougher days more than I thought I had, and like a wake up call, it's you the 'someone' is, the one who is always there for the ones she loves.
You shall have received a lot of messages from friends of course, including a long message from me, that those might not even tell either it will make you feel better. I am so glad if you are already redha for everything, you might not be sad anymore, or maybe still sad, or you just feel nothing (I am so sorry I couldn't be there, dear), but this post is specially written to honor you as a friend who is always there, and that I wish you to always have courage like how you asked me to before my finals, for you to ace the study week, to be strong like how you told me just that day. Know whattt Eisya, you can dooo ittt Eisya. If you need to cry, just cry, Allah might want you to cry and seek for Him. Sometimes we need to cry too, to see the world in a clearer 'view', okay? And after that everything will be very prettier and more wonderful than you ever expecteddd hehe.
And Eisya....
.....I miss the smile! Wish to see it again (Sorry curi gambar awak dekat instagram ehehee) !! Can't waitttt to see you this 2016 (Ahhhh, dah lebih setahun plan nak jumpa kahkah, tak jumpa jumpa jugak Eisyaaa haihhh tup2 nanti Eisya dah kahwin T__T).
Last but not least, just tell me if you need me or other friends who will be always, always, always be there for you too. We love you, honey. Have courage, and be kind!! (Quote from Cinderella movie hikhik).
Take care Eisya. Al-Fatihah to Eisya's Dad. He is indeed one step closer to meeting Allah... Haihh, O' Allah, we miss you so much, please do take care of Eisya's Dad and place him among the righteous ones. We all can't wait to meet you too, Dear Allah. May Allah forgive all the sins of the ones reading this, and of eeeeevery Muslims in the world and please guide all of us (who haven't died yet) to the right path always. Let's always be prepared for our turn to go back to our home, Jannah, the place we have left too long already. Remember that Allah is right there waiting for us, and He always wants to meet us too, hence those tests He gave to us to guide us to path leading to Him. And that day will be us meeting Allah..our truest Love! Amin, InshaaAllah. Together in Jannah okay? (: (hugs and kisses)
Tuesday, 29 December 2015
Wednesday, 23 December 2015
Post Exam!!!
Hellooooooo. I have been keeping this post as draft quite long actually! Can'ttt wait to post this one yaay now time to spend all my heart to The White & Evian.
Just came back from Holiday with family in Penang!! But let's just make a quick playback to the part that I've FINALLY done with finals! Arrrhh, crazy semester it was. Didn't realize how time flies so fast and all of sudden finals was just right in front of me! Where my time at all this while?? Too stressed until I had fever during the exam week (nightmare, right?). Still not fully recover until now :'( So please pray at least I passed all the papers!! Don't want to resit please! How miracle if I passed with all A+. Wondeeeerfullll. But, beyond everything, Alhamdulillah. I have never sit exams with fever actually so it was quite a good memory! I aced all the challenges!! (at least for me heheee)
Oh, by the way, my sister just graduated from LimKokWing University! It was a nice Graduation Ceremony, very happening! I'm soooooo happy for my sister. I knew she went through hard times to finally success with flying colours in her studies. I couldn't help but was overwhelmed by mixed feelings of sad, happy, touched = almost teared in happiness. Hahaha. Too sensitive.
Trip to Penang was wonderful either! It's been long since our family in a complete 6 to gather and giggle with stupid jokes, eat like monters, use the hotel swimming pool as if it was all ours andddd romantic dinner (for 6) haha. So so fun. What's fun to me was, having a brother with wonderful photography skills so we actually used each other to take photos of each other cause we really care forour ig feed each other. :P
Just came back from Holiday with family in Penang!! But let's just make a quick playback to the part that I've FINALLY done with finals! Arrrhh, crazy semester it was. Didn't realize how time flies so fast and all of sudden finals was just right in front of me! Where my time at all this while?? Too stressed until I had fever during the exam week (nightmare, right?). Still not fully recover until now :'( So please pray at least I passed all the papers!! Don't want to resit please! How miracle if I passed with all A+. Wondeeeerfullll. But, beyond everything, Alhamdulillah. I have never sit exams with fever actually so it was quite a good memory! I aced all the challenges!! (at least for me heheee)
Oh, by the way, my sister just graduated from LimKokWing University! It was a nice Graduation Ceremony, very happening! I'm soooooo happy for my sister. I knew she went through hard times to finally success with flying colours in her studies. I couldn't help but was overwhelmed by mixed feelings of sad, happy, touched = almost teared in happiness. Hahaha. Too sensitive.
Congratulations Sistah!!! You deserve all the happiness and love in the world. Stay success dunya & akhirah inshaaALLAH. Love ya!
Trip to Penang was wonderful either! It's been long since our family in a complete 6 to gather and giggle with stupid jokes, eat like monters, use the hotel swimming pool as if it was all ours andddd romantic dinner (for 6) haha. So so fun. What's fun to me was, having a brother with wonderful photography skills so we actually used each other to take photos of each other cause we really care for
Of Kerang Bakar and Pasembur (one of compulsory delicacies in Penang) ! Nom nom.
Checked in at Padang Kota Lama! Historical town in Penang. I loveee.
One of the (uncountable) photos I captured for the sake
of my brother's ig feed. Haha. He can be a good model anyway. And he
knows what he wants so he can just instruct me for the angle he needs
for his photo.
Nice colours, aren't they? Nature never fails to amaze me! Can't stop praising its beauty. Allah is Great indeed. It
was really good to have myself back to nature. Fresh air, Blue sky,
Green trees, Beautiful beach, allll with my family. I'm just so thankful
and blesssed for everything. Still can remember how bad the haze has
made us feel, making me can't stop thank Allah for all the fresh and
clean air He had given to us all this while, and even all for free. Can
imagine if we have to pay for a gram of Oxygen?
you Adik (my brother) for those amazing photos you have captured for me
and the nature soulmate! He is now my official wedding photographer
(for free guys LOL)
That's all for now! Not feeling very well, still. But here I'm promising a special post before 2016. Till I see you guys again soon!! By the way, all the best for finals to all my friends who's facing them soon! You guys can do it, success with DL, okay? Amin, inshaaALLAH. Ultimately, do study for the sake of learning, to be better from yesterday by the struggle of gaining new knowledge every second. InshaaALLAH you will all be rewarded both in the world and hereafter. Be patience always, indeed, Allah is with the patience(s). Love youuuu, xoxo <3
Sunday, 6 December 2015
Nothing beats Allah's gifts
It is and remains a hectic week for me until 18th of December! Not only courseworks and exams shut me up for a while,it's also because my sister and I just moved to our new condo. It's been a very exhausting and challenging week for me, the new house also has no wifi yet... Now I am at campus just for the sake of getting wifi connection. Look, how people are willing to do anything just for wifi.
I just submitted my Contract Coursework last Friday. Soooo happy to see the output of it. Cause this time, I've been challenged physically and emotionally. Moving house wasn't easy, we have looaaaaadsss of things to pack, even stuff in my room can't all fit into one car. I only had yesterday to at least 'keep calm and have a restful day.' Despite all the sweats, and tears (cehh hehe), Allah gave a very unexpected satisfaction after all I've went through for the Coursework. Though exam is not done yet, I hope Allah would give me the same in return too, please pray for me, I'm very worried for my finals actually, this sem around I think I didn't do best enough yet :'(
So, here I'd like to share with you the photos of my Condo Yard. It's so pretty that my sister and I have figured out spots for #ootd. Haha. It's so pretty! I love the concept, it's more to green concept and most importantly, simplicity. I went here once just expecting myself to reclaim some calmness, but instead I got ideas for more blogposts which I should really AVOID cos it's finals week ok, Nadzirah.
Nice place, right? I was so glad despite our tiredness of moving house at a very critical time, we are in return given with a very convenience and beaaaautiful place which is wayyy better than our previous one. To return home after a tiring day at Campus is just so exciting. As the saying goes, 'Home is where the heart is..'
Recently I learnt that, if you're so stressed that you simply can't think, but in front of you, you have loads of things to do that need YOU to think. I advice you to, go relax your mind by having a romantic date with Allah :), laugh with your loved ones, simply be close to them. InshaaAllah you'll get what you really need. Don't force yourself to think when you just can't. That's what I did when I was so stressed that I really have no ideas what to write for my Coursework, the due date was just in two days :'( Alhamdulillah now I have submitted it peacefully! Maybe it's just Allah who misses you to miss Him..
I need to go now. Lecture notes are callinggg, and now, suddenly migraine is attacking. Arghh, pray for me ok guys! I apologize if I have said things that ever hurt anyone of you. I pray that may every one of us have eyes that always see the best in people, heart that forgives the worst, mind that forgets the bad, and soul that never loses faith, inshaaAllah ;)
I just submitted my Contract Coursework last Friday. Soooo happy to see the output of it. Cause this time, I've been challenged physically and emotionally. Moving house wasn't easy, we have looaaaaadsss of things to pack, even stuff in my room can't all fit into one car. I only had yesterday to at least 'keep calm and have a restful day.' Despite all the sweats, and tears (cehh hehe), Allah gave a very unexpected satisfaction after all I've went through for the Coursework. Though exam is not done yet, I hope Allah would give me the same in return too, please pray for me, I'm very worried for my finals actually, this sem around I think I didn't do best enough yet :'(
So, here I'd like to share with you the photos of my Condo Yard. It's so pretty that my sister and I have figured out spots for #ootd. Haha. It's so pretty! I love the concept, it's more to green concept and most importantly, simplicity. I went here once just expecting myself to reclaim some calmness, but instead I got ideas for more blogposts which I should really AVOID cos it's finals week ok, Nadzirah.
Nice place, right? I was so glad despite our tiredness of moving house at a very critical time, we are in return given with a very convenience and beaaaautiful place which is wayyy better than our previous one. To return home after a tiring day at Campus is just so exciting. As the saying goes, 'Home is where the heart is..'
Recently I learnt that, if you're so stressed that you simply can't think, but in front of you, you have loads of things to do that need YOU to think. I advice you to, go relax your mind by having a romantic date with Allah :), laugh with your loved ones, simply be close to them. InshaaAllah you'll get what you really need. Don't force yourself to think when you just can't. That's what I did when I was so stressed that I really have no ideas what to write for my Coursework, the due date was just in two days :'( Alhamdulillah now I have submitted it peacefully! Maybe it's just Allah who misses you to miss Him..
I need to go now. Lecture notes are callinggg, and now, suddenly migraine is attacking. Arghh, pray for me ok guys! I apologize if I have said things that ever hurt anyone of you. I pray that may every one of us have eyes that always see the best in people, heart that forgives the worst, mind that forgets the bad, and soul that never loses faith, inshaaAllah ;)
Sunday, 22 November 2015
Of the KL dUCk and Tun Dr Mahathir
On the remarkable 21st of November 2015, I attended a dinner celebrating SAMURA’s 3rd decade. SAMURA is actually an acronym for Sekolah Menengah Sains Muar (Muar Science High School). I was a student there and was one of the 29th batch students (batch Penebus Maruah).
Batch 29 SAMURA. Attendance : 13/313. (Shasha wasn't in the picture cause she was our emcee of the night)
The best thing about this dinner is that Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad was our VVIP for the night. One of the ultimate reason I went for the dinner because I actually wanted to see him right with my own eyes. But not only that I saw him with my eyes, he even stood beside me!!! (A second beside him was stupefying enough for me, it’s Tun M!) *can’t wait to jump to the climax of my entry here*
For this
memorable night, I wished to wear something special for the moment I’d be seeing
my idol. It’s really significant for me because this man has given impact not
only to my ownself, but to the whole nation, to the Malay people, to our
Islamic religion, to our beloved Malaysia and definitely, to the whole world.
Therefore, I
decided to wear the KL dUCk. dUCk is actually a brand of scarves. dUCk’s printed
releases are always the prettiest ever. Basically, the KL dUCk is one of their
special printed releases, most importantly is that because it is illustrated
with the beauty of the KL skyline and… of
course there is the Petronas Twin Towers!
The KL dUCk box. Picture was taken when I was entering a competition for FashionValet Merdeka Flatlay! |
Can hardly see the Petronas Twin Towers T__T only one tower. But nevermind, present to you the KL dUCk (Rear view). |
(Front view) |
reaaaaaally meaningful for me because the twin towers was inspired by our
Former Malaysian Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohammad. It was a very successful
project lead by him. Let me tell you the parts that I love the most about the
construction of the twin towers.
Firstly, the floor layout plan of the towers were originated
by Tun himself. Tun wanted a skyscraper for Malaysia because Malaysia was the
least famous countries among the five Southeast Asean countries that time (Year
1992/3). He wanted a skyscraper that looks ‘Malaysia’, but how do you actually
design a skyscraper that looks ‘Malaysia’? So he drew an image of interlocking
squares that represents order and harmony in Islamic culture. After that, the design was
further developed by the architect, César Pelli, where he added in semicircular
scallops located at every corner of the original floor plan by Tun M. And there
it is, a brilliant fundamental design that results in such fascinating twin
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Design development of the Petronas Twin Towers' floor layout plan. The first one was by Tun M (Photo credit to : http://shu1229.blogspot.my/2010_11_01_archive.html) |
Second, two
project managers were involved in the building of each tower. They were
actually competing for who’s gonna finish their tower first. It was a very
brilliant idea that this competition encourages the project managers to not take time for
granted. They work hard 7 days, 24 hours a week with heavy workloads everyday.
Third, this
project managed to finish on time! All the stakeholders’ hardworks really paid
off! (which is one of the most important element for a success of construction
And now,
Malaysia still holds the record of being a country with the highest twin towers
in the world. It’d not had happened if it wasn’t for the brain and spirit of
our beloved Tun M. He’s such a ineffable Malay man.
As a girl
dipping in the construction world seeking for passion, I have been very
inspired with the construction of skyscrapers and rail sectors especially. In my
opinion, these two sectors include one of many reasons that benefit one’s
country as they result to a more well-known and economically well-developed
country. Skyscrapers are non other than that it represents a country’s status in the world as it goes
higher, reaching the skyline of one’s city. Whilst rail sectors make people
more productive! I went to Japan and I’ve always most impressed with their
public transportations especially the bullet train! If we have bullet train in
Malaysia, we could be more productive because it moves fastttt that we can
reach our destination quicker and we can also do our computer work while on our
way to a particular meeting because it’s so convenience and comfortable inside!
Getting to save time, money and energy to-and-fro for a long journey meeting
location would be very economical right?
worry, as a future Quantity Surveyor, I’ll make sure that dreams don’t just
remain dreams. “Pelopor kepada kemajuan pembangunan.” As the lyric goes in my
SAMURA school song :) #feelingmotivated
Back to the
dinner thing, I was in awe the whole time he gave us his speech about
‘Knowledge’. Like a facepalm, I never thought that an amazing man like him once
felt what I have also felt throughout my learning days. The most unforgettable
part of his speech was when he said, “When I was in the Medicine College, I got
only 3As over 8 subjects in exam. I was the worst among my friends who most of
them obtained 6,7,8As over 8 subjects. All my friends teased me for getting bad
result. I know I need to do something to reach higher, so I work harder. I put
more effort. I read the Pathology book for 10-15 times. I kept on reading and reading and reading, non-stop. Eventually when I was in the next exam,
I got to remember which page of the book was that answer, and also the images in the book vividly
appeared in my memory. As a result, I obtained the same result with those who
got 6,7,8As.”
I almost
teared in happiness listening to his speech, was so touched and happy as well.
Like a father-to-daughter advice, he gave me a bundle of joy and spirit without
him realizing it. I always feel down in this kind of issue, where I’m not as
smart as my friends are, so I know I need to work hard. But sometimes, I feel
so stupid. I always ask myself, “Am I the stupidest? Why don’t they work hard
also like me? Am I the only one who thinks that this subject is hard? Why do
they take it easy? Do they understand this already? Why can’t I understand this
if I don’t study?” I acknowledged that everyone has their talents and
limitations. It’s just frequently I feel down and low-spirited. But as I remind
myself to this part of Tun M’s speech, if you know you need to work hard, just
work hard. “Belajar rajin-rajin,” kata Tun M. Thank you Tun for giving me motivations
back. I need it so much T__T You are forever an inspiration.
So, I
managed to get a selfie with him! Like always, at first I almost gave up in
doing things. Even in taking picture with celebrities. I was once disappointed
because I couldn’t get to take picture with Dato’ CT during the simplicity meet
‘n’ greet session because the security guards were annoying. But yesterday it’s
unexpected that Allah gave me a chance to have a picture with Tun M instead, an
idol to Dato’ CT herself! Hahaha. He almost got into his car, but my friend,
Jiha said, “Go Rah, just go.” The crowd became lesser, I walked towards him
slowly without pushing anyone, I said, “Tun, boleh tunggu kejap tak…”
I think only my voice was heard because it was suddenly quite sileeent that time, or maybe it’s Allah who made everyone quiet hehe. And Tun M just smiled at me!! He looked at me like ‘Oh kesian budak ni, takpa saya berdiri je dekat sini.’ Senyuman macam senyuman atok kepada cucunya. Awwwhh. Then I stood right beside him and we took a duofie! My best achievement of the year! I had a duofie with a person who gave the best for Malaysia and I wishhhh I could be one of the young generations who will give the best to Malaysia and the world too! I wisshhh I could do lots of amazing things for our nation, religion and country just like how you did, Tun M! :’)
I think only my voice was heard because it was suddenly quite sileeent that time, or maybe it’s Allah who made everyone quiet hehe. And Tun M just smiled at me!! He looked at me like ‘Oh kesian budak ni, takpa saya berdiri je dekat sini.’ Senyuman macam senyuman atok kepada cucunya. Awwwhh. Then I stood right beside him and we took a duofie! My best achievement of the year! I had a duofie with a person who gave the best for Malaysia and I wishhhh I could be one of the young generations who will give the best to Malaysia and the world too! I wisshhh I could do lots of amazing things for our nation, religion and country just like how you did, Tun M! :’)
It was a great night indeed. Thank you Allah (swt) <3
Saturday, 14 November 2015
Not pro enough
First of all, to be very honest with you, I'm not the kind of girl who actively involves in outdoor activities. Instead I'm the type that "You don't ask me to do any activities. I'm such a boring person." You ask me, rock climbing? Never do. bungee jumping? How to spell 'bungy' again? Marathon? Oh, I won a marathon 3 years ago, urm, 4 km? hiking? I have tonnes of courseworks due, exam is coming in two weeks. ice skating? Hmm, you better save that 25 MYR ice-skating fee for for your car petrol to-and-fro to uni please. Many other things can be done with 25MYR.
Hahaha no lah, I'm not that bad actually.
I have always interested to try new things in life. Actually if I have people who kind of force me, arrange those activities together with me, and I'll be free on that time you asked me to go for outdoor fun, I'd definitely say yes! It's not that I'm lazy actually, sometimes my energy, time and money don't allow me to do so. Seriously.
So today, I did kayak! I knew it'd be fun, so I tried! After 2015-2007= hmmm 8 years since the last time I dealt with the paddle. That paddle! Ah, never listen to me last time. It's when I was at Standard 6, you know, the camping for UPSR thingy, at Tasek Utara, aktiviti merentas halangan and all,that was my last experience with kayak. I took the ONLY single boat, and my boat was far from everyone else, moved to the very edge of the lake, just because I couldn't control the paddle well. So embarassing.
But never mind, after 8 years, I am a pro already! (Hm, not really. Still got panicked and get lost to the edge of lake. I was about to win. Sigh)
We had a kayak competition today, organized by the HWUM Outbond Club. I had Arfah, Zindh and Retri with me in a team. We have one mission which was ; NOT TO TOPPLE. We all are not pro enough in kayak, some of us are just like me, did once like 10 years ago. Today we're gonna kayak-ing seriously, in a competition. Can you imagine how could we look like? "Just don't topple, guys." That was how we motivated each other.
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Pre-kayaking faces of the #letsnottopple squad. So, who's going to topple? |
"You can do it, Arfah!" |
Nice view to kayak-ing. Just near my university. :) |
After a few hours of playing, none of us toppled! We did well and made it to semi-final for single game! We even got the 4th place (not bad for a beginner, right?). But it was funny all the way in the activity. None of us toppled, but yes, other participants in another team did topple. Basically, a player toppled at the beginning, and even the finalists toppled when they're making a turn to go back to finishing line (even pros did topple, makes me realize that even the best also do mistakes).
It was funnnnnnn to see all the teams kayak-ing. They played like they don't have any problems in mind. Just like us too. Outdoor activities make us so so so happy (despite all the assignments, exams). Today, I got to learn that even if you don't know how to do something, how scared you are in start doing it, don't give yourself up. Get out of your comfort zone. You know you WANT to do it. You know you will be happy if you do it. Those negative feelings are just a challenge for you. Success aren't delightful enough without challenges.
I almost gave up, you know. Thank God I didn't. Eventually, I felt so satisfied and happy, all of us did.
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So, here we are, #letsnottopple squad who didn't topple. We made it ! |
Now, let's deal with the sunburnt...
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
It's the first!
On a side note, some stories are meant to be written,
because it needed to be forgotten (If you read the very last post of my old blog.
Memories guys hahaha I’m a better person now inshaaAllah).
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Me today ;) |
So back to main topic. Today is a special and historical date of my life (too) as my blog will
have a birthday which is 10.11.2015. There are a number of special reasons why
I chose this date :
1. 10.11 - Just
the opposite numbers of my birthday (11.10) heee.
2. 2015 - This
year has been amazing for me. Probably the best year of my life (told ya, you
all missed out many stories hahaha). But sokay cause I will post a special
entry, about my 2015!
3. 10 – I have
always waited for the 10th month every year, October. It’s not only
my birthday but also the birthdays of many of my beloved friends too.
4. I need to start this before turning 21. 20 is a nice number to start. Say in the next 10 years, you'll just have to say 'At the age of 20, I started all this...so 30-20, oh it's 10 years already!' I mean, it's easy for me to calculate how old this blog is later hehe.
5. They say, value
the life you have now. So, I need to write those events down, for me to remember, keep it safely, at least here.
6. I love writing.
7. Writing is the
best medicine, at least for me.
8. Sometimes it’s
hard for me to express feelings verbally, so I better write them.
9. Twitter also
limit words to write long-long one, and Facebook is too public.
10. I don’t have to
write long caption on Instagram, no more. (Some people don’t read it, but I
hope most of them do hehe)
p.s : All
the words ‘Write’ I used are literally ‘Type’. You know, I don’t write it guys,
I type it. Hee.
See ya on future posts! xx
See ya on future posts! xx
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